Five Signs Of Poor Roof Ventilation

When most homeowners think of their roof, they first think of the shingles. There is another important roof component that should also be on their radar -- the roof ventilation. Poor roof ventilation can lead to the need to prematurely replace the roof, so it's important to know the symptoms of ventilation issues. 

1. Damp Insulation

Damp insulation indicates that moisture is becoming trapped in the attic because it is unable to suitably vent out through the roof. Hot air from within the home rises into the attic. This hot air typically contains some moisture, which should vent benignly through the roof vents. If the vents are insufficient, the moisture will condensate on the underside of the roof and drip down onto the insulation. 

2. Ice Dams on the Roof

Ice dams are a winter nuisance that are a direct result of poor roofing ventilation. Heat becomes trapped in the attic, unable to vent. When there are snow and ice on the roof, the heat trapped in the attic causes it to melt rapidly. It will then flow toward the still-frozen gutters and be unable to drain, so it will then backflow under the shingles. If temperatures plummet, the water refreezes and traps more moisture behind it, making the problem worse.

3. Curling Shingles

Moisture and condensation on the underside of the roof can seep through the decking and affect the shingles. Shingles are designed to be waterproof only on their top surface. When exposed to moisture from beneath, they can begin to curl and warp. This reduces the lifespan of the shingles and compromises their ability to prevent water from leaking into your home.

4. Rotten Roof Decking

The same moisture that can damage shingles also affects the decking it's seeping into. Eventually the decking boards begin to rot, which can be discovered by trying to press your nail into them. If your nail sinks in, the wood is soft and rotten and you will need a complete roof replacement -- shingles and decking. Mold and mildew can also begin to grow on the waterlogged decking boards.

5. High Summer Cooling Costs

Poor ventilation also leads to higher cooling costs. Ideally, your AC pumps cool air into your home, which forces the rising hot air quickly into the attic. The vent system then moves the hot air out so the AC doesn't have to work so hard. When the vents are insufficient, hot air pools in the attic and overflows into the lower levels of the home, where it forces the AC to expend more energy.

Contact a resource like Berry Construction Storm Repair LLC if you suspect that your roof ventilation needs improvements. 
